Presbyopia and Monovision
Presbyopia is a normal process of aging. One begins to lose the flexibility of the eye’s lens, which restricts the ability of the eye to change its point of focus from distance to near. Monovision may be a possible solution for this problem.
Will this hurt my child’s eyes?
In working with pediatric patients and their parents over the years, I hear many of the same questions over and over again: “Will it hurt my child’s eyes if he reads in dim light?” Reading in dim light is not bad for the eyes. It’s a myth. And kids can read better in dim light… Read More
Fuchs Dystrophy
Someone recently asked me, “If one has Fuchs’ corneal dystrophy and vision corrected to 20/40, what are the chances of improving vision to 20/20 or 20/25 with DSEK surgery?” Here’s what I had to say: Most people with Fuchs dystrophy have problems not only with visual acuity, but also contrast sensitivity, glare, and often pain… Read More
Welcome to the Eye Doctors of Washington Blog
We have created this blog to answer our patients’ detailed questions about LASIK, PRK, Visian, and other vision correction surgeries. Thank you for your interest in vision correction surgery!