
Washington DC Surgeons Offer Custom LASIK with Improved Advantages

washington dc lasik surgeon,cataract surgery,eye surgeon washington dc

Eye Doctors of Washington implement an innovative individually-tailored form of LASIK. Washington, D.C. — Dr. Thomas Clinch and Dr. Paul Kang specialize in performing vision correction procedures, including LASIK in Washington DC, and have performed thousands of procedures during their tenure at the Eye Doctors of Washington practice. With the innovation of Custom LASIK, Drs…. Read More

Health Savings Accounts Are Changing!

It’s open enrollment for most of us right now, and it’s more important now than ever to max out those Health Savings Accounts (also known as Flex Spending Accounts and Health Reimbursement Accounts). 2012 is the last year that you can put the maximum of $5,000 in your HSA. The tax laws have changed and,… Read More

LASIK Surgeons in Washington DC Release New Mobile Website

Washington, DC — The Eye Doctors of Washington, a center for cataract and LASIK surgery in Tyson’s Corner, Northern Virginia, and Washington, DC areas, has announced the launch of a new mobile website for improving the quality of its patient care services and facilitating doctor-patient communication. With the digital age now in full swing, the… Read More

What do DC Summers and LASIK have in Common?

As the saying goes…”It’s not the heat, its the humidity”.  If you have lived in the DC metro area for at least one summer I will bet  that saying rings true.    If you are gearing up for your first June, July, and August in Our Nation’s Capitol, you better just set your A/C at… Read More

LASIK Surgery Practice in Washington DC Discusses How to Choose the Right Surgeon

Washington, DC — According to the latest statistics from the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO), over 150 million people in the United States rely on refractive eyewear to improve their vision, spending $15 billion annually on glasses and contact lenses. While glasses and contact lenses can provide clarity and function to a person’s life, the… Read More

This isn’t your grandmother’s cataract surgery!

By now you’ve probably heard of all-laser LASIK which dramatically improved the precision and safety we could offer our patients who wanted vision correct surgery. But have you heard about bladeless cataract surgery? The exciting all-laser technology used to correct the vision of our LASIK patients is now being used to increase the precision and… Read More

EDOW First in Washington DC to perform cataract surgery with Alcon’s LENSX® Laser

cataract, surgeon, surgery, laser, eye, washington, dc

The same innovation used for all-laser LASIK is now revolutionizing cataract surgery Drs. Thomas E. Clinch, MD and Paul C. Kang, MD are the first eye surgeons in Washington, DC to perform cataract surgery with Alcon’s LenSx®, a bladeless, computer-controlled laser that ensures the highest-precision surgical incisions. The laser was launched this week at Palisades… Read More

And the winner is…

The Washington Capitals are back and so is your chance to win free LASIK! If the CAPS score a goal during the last 2 minutes of the 2nd period, a randomly chosen Caps fan will win free LASIK from Eye Doctors of Washington. So far this season, two lucky fans have won free LASIK. Congratulations,… Read More

30,000th LASIK Procedure Performed at Tyson’s Corner Location

The Eye Doctors of Washington (EDOW) is announcing the successful completion of their 30,000th LASIK eye surgery procedure, which was performed at their new Tyson’s Corner location in Northern Virginia. With more than 40 years of vision correction and ophthalmology services in the area, the eye care specialists at EDOW says they are proud to… Read More

Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, and Your Eyes

By Hylton Mayer, MD Glaucoma, a condition related to high pressure inside the eyes, can cause damage to the optic nerve, the nerve that connects the eye to the brain.  When the optic nerve is damaged, a person can lose vision, typically side (or peripheral) vision first, but a person could ultimately lose all vision in the affected eye or eyes. Glaucoma… Read More

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Our locations

Chevy Chase Metro Building
2 Wisconsin Circle, Suite 500
Chevy Chase, MD 20815

Pediatric Location

Chevy Chase Metro Building
2 Wisconsin Circle, Suite 500
Chevy Chase, MD 20815
8230 Boone Blvd, Suite 125
Vienna, VA 22182
5420 Olney Laytonsville Road
Olney, MD 20832
1016 16th Street NW
Lower Level 100
Washington, DC 20036
1145 19th St NW
Suite 335
Washington, DC 20036

Online Scheduling Maintenance

Our online scheduling portal is undergoing maintenance. We apologize for the inconvenience. Please call our office at 301.215.7100 to schedule an appointment. We look forward to seeing you as a patient!